Monday, July 20, 2009

Au Revoir, for now

I was so lucky to have my two best friends come play with me all last week. I hadn't seen them for a couple of month, and I probably won't see them for another year. They're such good friends.

I miss them already. Not a promising start.

Now before everyone asks what we did, here you go:
Jen came on Thursday so we had a picnic in Hyde Park, played in Leicester Square, saw the play the 39 Steps (so good!). Then, we spent a day in Oxford and at Blenheim castle. The next day we toured the National Gallery, saw a matinee of Les Miserables (amazing!), then spent the rest of the day cozy on the couch. It was a rainy day.

Katie flew in on Sunday, so Jen and I went and picked her up from the airport. Her flight came in two hours late. I got impatient. Then, we spent the day lazy.

Our activities with Katie included:
- the London Eye
- Westminster Abbey (for Evensong)
- Buckingham Palace, and the Palace Mews
- the Tower of London
- St. Paul's Cathedral
- Hamlet, with Jude Law. (AMAZING!)
- Kensington Palace and Gardens
- the V & A Museum
- Portobello Road market
- A matinee of Peter Pan, preformed in Kensington Gardens (how authentic!)
- Triolus and Cressida at the Globe Theater
- a day trip to Bath, along with a tour from Bath, through Lacock, and onto Stonehenge

I'm sad they're gone.

Katie, Me, and Jen at Stonehenge

Reenacting the scene from Harry Potter where "He Who Must Not Be Named" kills Lilly Potter. (I'm Voldemort, Jen is Lilly, and Katie is the baby Harry Potter.)

London from the St. Paul's Cathedral Dome

The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben Clock Tower

Blenheim Castle (the childhood home for Sir Winston Spencer Churchill)

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